Sunday, June 14, 2009

more pics

a view of the house from the pool area. there will be a fence built around the pool area for privacy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pictures of Yeshiva

unfortunately we were not able to go into the house on this occasion to take pictures, since the owner of the property was not available to open for us. but here are some pictures of the house and the area surrounding it.
this beautiful view is the property of our friendly neighbors, there is no fence separating their property from ours.

this is a picture of the front of the house that we will be spending the summer in.

a side view of the house.Rabbi Samuels (left) Rabbi Sandhaus (right)

a view from the back of the house. in this picture you can see some of the fields which belong to us.
here is another one of our buildings which will be used for extra curricular activities... the fields around both of these buildings are our property.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Registration info.

for registration forms please Email -

About Yeshivas Kayitz of Hartford Connecticut

Yeshivas Kayitz of West Hartford is a summer program that was founded in 5768 by Rabbi Mendel Samuels, Shliach of the Rebbe to Simsbury, Connecticut.
The goal of our Yeshiva is to create a warm, family like environment, keeping the number of students to a minimum. This enables us to focus on every student individually, yet at the same time to teach the students to work well with one another.
Our mission is to use this environment to enhance the learning, Chassidish’kait and general abilities of each Bocher.
The program is a fun program which includes lots of trips (aprx. 2 per week) many small outings (nighttime BBQ’s, Kumzits’, Farbrengens, etc…), a full sports program in the most beautiful parks in the area.
Our Yeshiva is located in Bloomfield Connecticut. We have a beautiful property with nice fields surrounded by trees along with a beautiful swimming pool.
Our learning program includes Chassidus in the morning, Gemoroh, Shulchan Aruch, Chitas, Daily Rambam (one perek per day), and Sichos of the Rebbe nightly.
The Gemoroh that we will be learning is the Gemoroh which will be learnt in the Yeshivos in the upcoming year; this will give the students a head start for Yeshiva.
A full list of the Seforim which are needed for the summer will be sent out after your child is accepted into the Yeshiva.
This year once again the Yeshiva will be directed by Rabbi Eli Sandhaus.

Our session begins on July 5th י"ג תמוז and goes until August 9th י"ט אב

For More information about our Yeshiva’s Program call Rabbi Sandhaus – 718-687-8932
For registration information call Rabbi Samuels - 860-463-9572